

New study shows:

HBOT improves brain function

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A new study has shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy = HBOT) can reverse the decline in brain function caused by it. This groundbreaking therapy could now revolutionize the way we look at aging and the mental limitations that come with it .

What is HBOT?

HBOT is a therapy in which patients inhale pure oxygen under mild elevated pressure in a pressurized cabin (tube or, in the latest more comfortable form, in an oxygen lounge). This leads to a significant increase in oxygen levels in the body’s tissues and promotes brain healing and regeneration. Impressive advantages of the HBOT:

  1. Improved mental abilities The therapy improves memory, concentration and the speed of information processing. People can think more clearly and remember better.
  2. Increased blood flow to the brain HBOT promotes blood flow to the brain and helps form new brain cells and blood vessels. This ensures a better supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain and thus keeps it healthy.
  3. Long-term impact According to the study, the improvements persist even six months after treatment. This means that the positive effects are sustainable and long-lasting.
  4. Safe and effective The study confirms that HBOT is safe and produces excellent measurable results in healthy older adults.

Dr. Shai Efrati and Dr. Amir Hadanny of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center emphasize that this is the first effective medical intervention that reverses mental decline in old age. Previously, treatment focused on brain injury, but this study shows that even healthy people can benefit from mHBOT immediately.

How does HBOT work?

During therapy, patients breathe in pure oxygen in a pressure room (tube or, in the latest variant, in a comfortable oxygen O2 lounge). This increases the oxygen content in the body tissues many times over. The increased oxygen content promotes the release of growth factors and stem cells, which support the healing and regeneration of tissues and the brain.

Results of the study

The study involved 68 healthy older adults. Their mental abilities were tested before and after HBOT oxygen therapy. The results showed a measurably significant improvement in mental abilities and increased blood flow to the brain.

This groundbreaking research could have far-reaching implications for our view of the aging process. For the first time, it has been shown that medical intervention can rejuvenate the brain and improve mental functions.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) offers a promising way to maintain and improve mental health as we age. It is safe, effective and has lasting positive effects. People who want to improve their mental abilities and quality of life as they age should consider HBOT.

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MR images confirm effectiveness

In this study, the mental (cognitive) abilities of healthy adults were measured using a comprehensive series of computer-based cognitive assessments. Cerebral blood flow was quantified using a magnetic resonance imaging technique that observes the path of blood through organs and tissues, called cerebral blood flow.

Among the main conclusions of the analysis was the association between the improvements noted above and cerebral blood flow to various areas of the brain. It is striking that the combination of pure oxygen and higher pressure led to an increase in the oxygen supply to the brain tissue.

HBOT and reversal of cognitive decline in old age

The improvements in attention and mental processing speed of the participants may be due to increased blood flow to the brain. HBOT increased blood flow to the brain and regenerated brain cells and blood vessels in individuals without brain damage.

These improvements in general cognitive or mental function were still observed six months after treatment. Dr. Efrati wrote in Psychology Today that this therapy could even restore damaged brain tissue. He further noted that this is the first time that effective medical intervention has been observed to reverse age-related mental decline.

“Most medications and interventions only slow the expected decline at best,” he said. “For the first time in humans, we have found a way to regenerate the aging brain — as can be seen with magnetic resonance imaging of the brain — and allow us to regain the mental functions of our younger selves.”

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